Layout and Editing
Layout and Editing: make your graphic plan
Layout and editing are processes of great importance in the creation of graphic design. A visual presentation that is easy to be understood, thought-provoking and accessible makes all the difference in the communication of a company. If you want to showcase products and services, to promote publications and other actions in both digital and offline environments, you need good planning, especially regarding visual communication. However, how can you convey values and concepts through graphic pieces?
There is not a magic formula, because every company has different identities, a proposals and their own goal. To boost a message and draw the attention of the public, it is necessary to consider several factors to ensure that the work of the layout and publishing are in tune with the content, the visual identity of the company and the intentions of each material.
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A good layout makes all the difference in the communication of your company
The layout is a process by which a publication or a graphic piece – virtual or not – gains visual form in accordance with the guidelines of the graphic planning, according to well-defined criteria. This harmonious arrangement of colors, images and fonts has the purpose of transmitting a content in a clear manner and following a systematic order. It is a set of visual elements to a predetermined visual programming.
The layout material may be magazines, newspapers, folders, packaging and others. The basis of the information content follows a pattern and an informative hierarchy. Basically, the layout is the architecture of a message, with focus on harmony between texts, images and typology.
A good layout facilitates the understanding of the message, attracts the reader’s attention and disseminates ideas efficiently. The visual presentation, the famous “first impression is the deepest”, plays a fundamental role in a company’s reputation. Whether for internal corporate communication or to announce products, the processes of formatting and editing allow you to generate files in high resolution for printing, as well as versions for web as PDF and ePub.
What is the importance of good editing?
The editing is nothing more than the creation and modification of public content, such as books, magazines, brochures etc. Its main goal is to disseminate useful and accessible content, with well-defined objectives and in accordance with other stages of the graphic planning process (preparation, composition, revision, production, etc.) The concept of editing it is quite large. Therefore, this technical process involves professionals from several areas of expertise.
The editorial production is present in every type of media communication, be it printed or digital. The work is performed through softwares. The graphical publishing is the basis of the layout, because it puts into practice its concepts.
Beyond the text and image: the art of balance of the layout and the editing
The layout and editing work fulfill an important role in corporate communication. To develop a harmonic, objective and interesting graphic composition, it is crucial to convey ideas clearly and objectively. To better understand with visual aid, please visit our page of Layout and Editing Cases. These activities are part of a large project, previously calculated, in order to submit content in efficient and stimulating ways.
The graphic pieces materialize concepts and, when well planned and executed, are powerful tools for propaganda. The layout and editing processes are part of our day to day lives, spreading concepts, ideas and values through creative and informative pieces.
Ready to optimize the processes of layout and editing of your company?
A good visual communication promotes a positive and professional corporate image, catching the attention and trust of the public. Take advantage of our stand-out features and talk right now with an expert!