Offline Services
Publicity and advertising evolved.
Despite the popularization of the Internet, outbound marketing is still alive and well: conventional strategies like the press, TV, radio, public events and many others now have been repackaged and adjusted to the new digital era.
We are an advertising agency from Rio de Janeiro, Niterói. We’ve been on the road since 2002 and we understand like no one else the importance of having a good strategic planning for offline and online services. We’ve been on the road for many years and formed long and amazing partnerships!!
Here you will find a team of experts in branding, gifting and much more! Do you want to create a logo and leave your mark? How about surprising your clients with creative and custom-made gifts? We can help you with that and much more: talk with an expert!!
Advertising campaigns: body and soul of any business
We all know a popular jingle by heart or feel nostalgic about old commercials. We have this amazing catalogue saved carefully in the back of our minds. Did you know that publicity and advertising are part of the history of mankind? There are Egyptian papyri made especially to draw attention and stimulate trade.
An advertising campaign has the purpose of passing ideas through a message. Speaking the same language as the public, reaching it and generating results in a highly competitive environment are the most important challenges of a campaign, which can be made from a group of actions.
Creating the logo: determining the design and visual identity of your brand
To start with the right foot in the world of advertising it is fundamental to define a graphic identity that is harmonious and distinct, since the goal is to call attention and show confidence. Creating a logo is art and the artists are the designers, responsible for developing an attractive and personalized logo.
The company prints their visual identity when you create a logo – developing your trademark is an expression that got popular, but the correct term is logo creation or just logo.
The brand expresses the concepts and values of a company, making it easier to identify between so many others. Branding is a powerful tactic to fortify a brand, making it even more valuable than the product itself!
Creating a brand and rebranding – the strategy used by companies to change their visual identity – are the starting points to run the marathon that is advertising. All of that is accompanied by strategic planning!
Promotional activity and campaigns
In the digital era, institutional campaigns must be on the same page as the online digital marketing strategies. Promotional actions are some of the tools used in advertising with the purpose of offering benefits to attract the public.
Who can resist a “cheaper by the dozen”? What about e-books, courses and guides that can save the day? Either way, promotional campaigns demand planning and investment. A good campaign provides good results and increases brand visibility. Everybody wins: companies and clients.
In your hands: stationery and brochures
Business cards, folders, banners, catalogs, magazines and other printed materials are small samples of what your company is and what it has to offer. For this reason, the graphic material of stationery and brochures must establish a direct and friendly dialog with the public.
Being serious and having credibility by means of a well-planned visual identity and 100% custom-made products is crucial to impact readers. In order to do this, you will need the help of a graphic design agency to develop an efficient strategy which reflects exactly the idea that your company wants to convey.
Gifting: creative and customized corporate gifts
Gifting has as purpose to surprise and wow people, by means of relationship marketing. The strategy helps brands create and strengthen ties with the public. Who doesn’t like to receive personalized gifts?
However, gifting is a great challenge: how to captivate the customer and offer more than a gift, but also something surprising to remember your brand in a positive way? The practice goes far beyond just gifting the customer: the intention of gifting is to provide an experience of exclusivity through creative, original and innovative gifts.
Graphic planning always up to date: editing and page layout
Companies with periodical publications must rely on friendly materials and very well pre-defined criteria, aligning image and text in an appropriate manner. Editing is an area of design that relates to planning, creation and implementation of graphical projects.
The layout is calculated on the position of graphical elements in a given material, in a hierarchical structure visually attractive and appealing to the reader. The Layout and editing of the publications should be in synergy with the visual identity of the brand, besides offering an immersive and accessible reading.
Below The Line Ads: direct and straight marketing
To advertise and promote products or services outside conventional media is also one of the most efficient strategies of propaganda and advertising. These are the below the line ads, which consist of segmented promotional activities that do not involve paid media.
Public Relations, events, relationship marketing and others are the main channels for below the line ads. To achieve the target audience, stimulate sales and achieve goals, it is mandatory that the strategy is aligned to a good digital marketing plan.
VX is much more than a digital agency.
Are you looking for an advertising agency in Rio de Janeiro, specialized in services of advertising and publicity offline? We have complete solutions to help you in this big mission. Come with us right now!